Weather Closure

& Missing Class

If classes are cancelled, you may see an announcement here.

If you suspect class is cancelled but an announcement hasn’t been posted here, check your EMAIL and your child’s GOOGLE CLASSROOM

Inclement Weather Days

Due to the vast area our participants travel from, we have a two-step policy for cancellations. First, we consider closing when the Copley-Fairlawn School District closes. Because of our unique situation of starting later than most educational organizations and not having participants who walk or are bussed, this policy does not always apply to our programming. For this reason, we ask all participants to take an additional step and check their emails and Google Classroom(s) to see if the closing is going to be overturned. We will post closing information in the Google Classroom(s), on the parent portal of the website, on the Simply Parent Facebook group, and we will send out an email by 7 a.m. on the day of the class or in the afternoon or evening before, when applicable.

When a closure does occur, we add the make-up day to the end of the second semester, extending our end date by one week. We will do this for all missed days. We also host an (optional) End of the Year Pot Luck after all classes are made up, which sometimes extends into May. Please be aware of this as you make plans for the end of the school year.

Missing Class

To let an instructor know that your child is going to be absent from class, please post a note in their Google Classroom. If your participant would like to participate in the virtual class via Google Meet, please notify their instructor prior to the start of class.

A Google Meet tab is available on the front page of the classroom for students to access from home in the case of an absence or a vacation. This has proven very helpful in times of varying weather conditions and sickness. Please note, most instructors will not have the Google Meet on in the classroom unless they are notified of an absence. Please let your instructor know if you need to access the class from home to make sure that they have it on and available.