Workshop Add On

Add-On Workshops
At the Akron Fossils & Science Center, we believe the best way to learn science is to experience it! With 3 themes to choose from, our add-on workshops are a great addition to an already fun filled day. For only $5 extra per participant, our team will provide a learning experience that your students will never forget!
Dino-Mite Add-On Workshop
This fossil based workshop includes a personalized mini lesson with one Dino-Mite activity of your choice from the following:
Dino Sand and Paper Plate Art
Using one paper plate, participants are challenged to create an artist’s rendition of a long neck dinosaur. After creating the dinosaur, multiple containers of colored sand are used to decorate it. Participants will discuss how artist create renditions of creatures found in the fossil record for museums using bone layouts and knowledge from present day animal physiology.
Sedimentary Rock Layers
This activity involves making simulated catastrophic conditions inside a recycled water bottle. Ingredients are colored sands, water, and simulated ash to create a beautiful display locked in impermeable layers. The participants will discuss sedimentary rock formation and the fossil record.
Volcano Eruption and Slime Lava
This activity involves two steps. In the first step, participants learn about volcanos through a volcano eruption demonstration. In the second step, participants make a pretend lava in the form of a slime that glows under the black light. Participants will discuss the role volcanos play in getting the minerals into the sediment that help with the fossilization process.
Creature Feature Add-on Workshop
This biology and zoology based workshop includes a personalized mini lesson with one hands-on activity of your choice from the following:
Habitats and Homes Discover some of the strange places that animals call home. We will explore burrows, dens, nests, and hives with live animal ambassadors!
Ecology and Adaptations Ecology is the study of relationships between living things and their ecosystems. We will discuss food webs and the special features that animals have to help them where they live.
Hide and Seek (Camouflage) - We often walk right by an animal and never know that it was there. Animals hide for many reasons and with a variety of capabilities. We will take an up-close look at some animals that are masters of disguise.
Venoms and Toxins - Venom is an important tool that many species use to eat and defend themselves. People use these substances for many reasons in medicine and other fields. We will discover some fascinating facts about venom and toxins with the help of some cool critters.
What's For Dinner? (Diets and Eating Habits) - Some animals eat plants, others eat other animals, and some will eat just about anything. Animals have their favorite foods just like people, and we will discover what some of them are and how they eat once they get it.
Offense and Defense (Predators vs. Prey) - The animal world is full of danger and animals must use the skills and features they have to survive. We will explore some of the ways that animals hunt and how some defend themselves in a hands-on way.
Conservation and Stewardship - Many species of animals are threatened in their natural habitats. People around the world work to prevent the loss of these animals. Let's explore how people are managing animal populations and what we can do to help.
Scientific Studies Add-on Workshop
These general science based workshops includes a personalized hands-on lesson. Choose from the following topics below:
Rock Formation and the Geological Column
Plate Tectonics
Our Solar System
Hand on Physics
Design Patterns
Ancient Technology
Ohio History
Heredity and Natural Selection
Plants in the Fossil Record
Fossils Around the World
Dinosaur Extinction Theories
Please note: There is a group minimum of 15 paid participants to book an Add-On Workshop. Workshops may not be available at all times. Please contact our office at (330) 665-DINO for more details or to check availability.